songs im feeling now

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Main Entry: per·sis·tent
Pronunciation: \-tənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin persistent-, persistens, present participle of persistere
Date: 1826
1: existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously: as a: retained beyond the usual period a persistent leaf b: continuing without change in function or structure c: effective in the open for an appreciable time usually through slow volatilizing d: degraded only slowly by the environment e: remaining infective for a relatively long time in a vector after an initial period of incubation
2 a: continuing or inclined to persist in a course b: continuing to exist despite interference or treatment a persistent cough
— per·sis·tent·ly adverb

Main Entry: con·fi·dent
Pronunciation: \ˈkän-fə-dənt, -ˌdent\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin confident-, confidens, from present participle of confidere
Date: circa 1567
1: full of conviction : certain
2: having or showing assurance and self-reliance a confident young businessman a confident manner
3obsolete : trustful confiding

i like these two adjectives very much and will like to be more like this in my everyday life. I always get results when i evoke these qualities.

I believe i am a hardworker but would like to be more persistent
I have confidence definately believe in my abilities but i am not confident. I dont think it comes across in my actions and that is something i would like to change.

Persistence + being confident = sucess/good results u get what you want

try it and see
it might get you the job, the guy, the grade, ur dreams etc

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